Balakrishna’s untitled film under the direction of Parachuri Murali is being produced by M L Kumar Chowdary under Sri Keerthi Combines. The film has Lakshmi Rai and Saloni as leading ladies in whi...Continue reading
The dreaded horror thriller ‘Shiva Ganga’ that starred Sriram, Lakshmi Rai, Suman, Manobala and Vadivukkarasi is releasing in Telugu and Tamil languages on March 4 in a grand level. VC Vadivudaiyan...Continue reading
Jyothy Arts’ ‘Rakshakudu’ featuring Jayam Ravi, Kangana Ranaut and Lakshmi Rai is all set to release on September 9th. The film is directed by Jeeva and is the dubbed version of Tamil film ‘Dhaam ...Continue reading
‘Live’ is about mystery murder captured in a video camera. The film was originally made in Tamil as ‘Vamanan’ by casting Lakshmi Rai and Priya Anand in central roles. Ahamed was the director. It...Continue reading
C Kalyan, who brought super hit film like ‘Chandamama’ is now presenting a huge budget film ‘Chandrakala’ under CK Entertainments Pvt. Ltd. banner with Glamorous Star Hansika Motwani as heroine. ‘C...Continue reading
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