Vikram and Jagapathy Babu starrer action thriller ‘Shiva Thaandavam’ (Thaandavam in Tamil) is directed by A L Vijay. The film also features Anushka Shetty, Amy Jackson and Lakshmi Rai as leading la...Continue reading
Balupu movie is gathering buzz everyday. The latest sensation is that the sensuous beauty Lakshmi Rai will be making a special appearance and the rumour is that she has been signed for a whoppi...Continue reading
‘Rani Ranamma’ is the film which is being made in the combination of Action King Arjun, actress Lakshmi Rai and prominent director Kodi Ramakrishna. Producer R Ramachandra Raju, who has good taste,...Continue reading
'Janata Bar' is the title of an upcoming vigilante action drama starring Raai Laxmi of 'Kanchana' fame in the lead. Scripted, directed and produced by Ramana Mogili, the film deals with a burning i...Continue reading
Actress Lakshmi Rai is unmarried. She is popular for her item songs in Tollywood. The thirty something actress is known for her hot pics and dance moves. She is currently busy with her film 'Where ...Continue reading
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