Gorgeous Laxmi Rai has signed a new Telugu movie and is titled ‘Where Is The Venkata Lakshmi.’ This is film is set on the backdrop of village, being directed by a newcomer Kishore Kumar...Continue reading
‘Live’ is about mystery murder captured in a video camera. The film was originally made in Tamil as ‘Vamanan’ by casting Lakshmi Rai and Priya Anand in central roles. Ahamed was the director. It...Continue reading
The dreaded horror thriller ‘Shiva Ganga’ that starred Sriram, Lakshmi Rai, Suman, Manobala and Vadivukkarasi is releasing in Telugu and Tamil languages on March 4 in a grand level. VC Vadivudaiyan...Continue reading
AMR Ramesh is directing a producing the film titled ‘Veerappan’ which is originally made in Tamil as ‘Vana Yuddam’. The film stars Arjun, Lakshmi Rai, Ravi Kale and Kishore in key roles. Dire...Continue reading
Lakshmi Rai who sizzled with Balakrishna in ‘Adhinayakudu’ (set for May release) is now going to pair up with Vikram in UTV’s ‘Thandavam’. This bilingual film being made in Tamil and Telugu has tw...Continue reading
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