'Vikky The Rockstar', directed by CS Ganta, is touted to be a novel film boasting a distinctive concept. Produced on a rich scale by Flight Lieutenant Srinivas Nuthalapati (IAF), the film's title l...Continue reading
The shooting of P Chandu and M Aravind’s joint production venture ‘Bewars’ is going on at a rapid pace. Two songs and 70% of the shooting art has already been completed. The final...Continue reading
Anil and Sruthi Laya as hero and heroine respectively, MN Bairareddy and Nagaraju are jointly producing a film ‘Prema Bhiksha’ under Om Sri Creations banner with RK Gandhi as director. ...Continue reading
Sairam Shankar & Adonica’s romantic flick ‘Romeo’ is on the backdrop of Italy. It’s a love story of a young and beautiful girl from New York and a carefree guy from India who meets in Europe. Pur...Continue reading
From his first film 'Badri' to his latest film 'Ism', Director Puri Jagannadh is known for his knack in Heroes characterisation, mannerism with different subjects. Now he is coming up with a differ...Continue reading
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