Far from the hustle and bustle of city life, the story of Sardaar Gabbar Singh is set against a rural backdrop in a fictitious place calledRattanpur. Once subsidiary of princely state, Rattanpur is...Continue reading
It's well-known that Pawan Kalyan has given his nod to act in the Telugu remake of Bollywood film 'Pink'. This movie, directed by Sriram Venu of 'MCA' fame, will start soon. The script work has als...Continue reading
Powerstar Pawan Kalyan just launched a film under the direction of Tamil director Neason a couple of days ago. This was a cause of worry for his fans as they thought that Powerstar and Trivikram’s ...Continue reading
Some time back reports confirmed that Pawan Kalyan will be doing ‘Gabbar Singh 2’ but it was unclear about who would weild megaphone for it. Since Harish Shankar directed ‘Gabbar Singh’ everyone i...Continue reading
Devisri Prasad, who had shared his screen space with Chiru (Shankar Dada MBBS & Shankar Dada Zindabad) and Bunny (Julayi) earlier, is now all set to shake his legs alongside Pawan Kalyan in Trivikr...Continue reading
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