Nandamuri Natasimha Balakrishna’s prestigious film ‘Legend’ is rewriting its records. The film will created yet another record by completing its 365 days successful run on March 28. The prestigious...Continue reading
Balakrishna's next, directed by one of his favourite directors, Boyapati Srinu, was launched a couple of months ago. The latest reports suggest that the regular shoot of this movie will commence on...Continue reading
'Akhanda' is reportedly making waves in trade circles. The Nandamuri Balakrishna film, which is a mass movie, is said to have already earned a massive sum of Rs 80-90 Cr by way of theatrical ...Continue reading
There was a lot of speculations that Shriya Saran would play the queen in Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna's prestigious 100th film ‘Gautamiputra Satakarni’ since several days. It turned out true no...Continue reading
NTR Biopic is moving at a rapid speed. Balakrishna and NTR have patched up post the death of Harikrishna. Everyone was hoping that NTR Jr will now be called in to play some role in this film. But n...Continue reading
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