'Death Game' is an upcoming thriller starring Amar Nath Reddy, Bhanu Sri, Soni, Suraya Parveen and others. Directed by Cheran, the film is a suspense thriller produced jointly by KC Suri and Rajase...Continue reading
Nag’s ‘Bhai’ is presently being filmed at Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. A song “Aye Baaboi Nee Chupe Chilaka Mukkulaa….Na Manase Karakaraa Korukutunnadi…” written by Bhaskara Bhatla is being ...Continue reading
Akhil Akkineni starer 'Hello' has been censored today. The film has been given a clean U certificate by the Censor Board. The theatrical trailer and audio album has already created huge interest. ...Continue reading
'Bangarraju', the Sankranthi blockbuster that was released in theatres on January 14, has locked its post-theatrical OTT release date. The Kalyan Krishna Kurasala directorial will be premiering on ...Continue reading
After several postponements, Nagarjuna’s first socio-fantasy flick ‘Dhamarukam’ is finally hitting screens on November 23rd. This graphical extravaganza is made by the Dr Venkat’s prestigious ...Continue reading
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