Few called him a separate state visionary. Few called him a regional fanatic who created a wedge between Telugu people. Few called him a dictator in a democratic system. Others called him a protect...Continue reading
National and state awards winning director Neelakanta, known for his critical acclaimed movies like ‘Show’, ‘Missamma’, Mr Medhavi’ and ‘Virodhi’, is now getting ready to take his next project o...Continue reading
Madhura Sreedhar's Next- "A For America" Passionate film maker Madhura Sreedhar Reddy is currently producing his film "Fashion Designer S/O Ladies Tailor" in the direction of senior director Vam...Continue reading
Director Madhura Sreedhar Reddy showcased the views of the millennial generation with his youth oriented films like Sneha Geetam, It’s my love story and Backbench student. His latest production Maa...Continue reading
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