"MAAYA", a suspense thriller produced by Madhura Sreedhar Reddy under Shrdi Sai Combines banner in the direction of National Award Winning Director Neelakanta released last Friday and running s...Continue reading
Going by the recent success of the supernatural thriller 'AVUNU', Harsha seems to be setting a new high for the Telugu Film Industry. His latest hit 'AVUNU' has grossed over 12+ crores and is f...Continue reading
Lucky Media Production house, which produced films like ‘Tata Birla Madhyalo Laila’, ‘Satyabhama’, ‘Brahmalokam to Yamalokam via Bhoolokam’, is now coming up with a new project titled ‘Prema Ishq...Continue reading
Although he is new to the industry, filmmaker Harshath Vidheya created curiosity with his upcoming film [EMPTY] right from the time it went on to the sets. The posters and trailers have alread...Continue reading
Harshavardhan Rane and Kim Sharma are popular faces in Tollywood. Harshavardhan has stared in 'Takita Takita', 'Avunu' and 'Anamika'. Kim Sharma on the other hand did an item number in Rajamouli's ...Continue reading
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