It is already known that King Nagarjuna, Tamil actor Karthi and Milky Beauty Tamanna have teamed up for a multi-starrer prestigious film. The makers have confirmed ‘Oopiri’ title for this bi-lingua...Continue reading
Actor Karthi was in Hyderabad on Monday to attend the pre-release event of his movie, 'Sathyam Sundaram'. On the occasion, a meme related to laddu was shared on the screen. Karthi was supposed to c...Continue reading
'Sulthan', starring Karthi and Rashmika Mandanna, is currently in the dubbing phase. The Bakkiaraj Kannan directorial, which recently wrapped up its production works, has been seeing brisk activity...Continue reading
"We are not doing a police job for which we have to protect good people from bad. We are doing a worthless job which protects bad people from good," this is the question a police officer is asking ...Continue reading
The sweat and blood exerted for a purpose returns back as a fruit of joy with success. So happens to be the scenario with joyful team of ‘Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru’. An incessant hard wo...Continue reading
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