'Maanadu', a political thriller, stars Simbu in the lead role. The news is that its trailer will be released via Natural Star Nani's social media handles on October 2, marking Gandhi Jayanti. Dire...Continue reading
Busy hero Nani’s ‘Pilla Zamindaar’ is presently progressing in the surroundings of Hyderabad and Vikarabad. The film has Bindu Madhavi and Haripriya as leading ladies and it is taking shape in the...Continue reading
Today is Natural star Nani's birthday. His hands are full with the films V and Tuck Jagadish. Another film of his got it's title today. This one will be known as Shyam Singha Roy. The title poster ...Continue reading
'Shyam Singha Roy' will head to the theatres on December 24. Its pre-release event was held yesterday in Warangal. Speaking on the occasion, Krithi Shetty said that the performances and visuals in...Continue reading
‘Nijam With Smita’ is the title of a talk show to be streamed on SonyLiv from February 10. Pop singer Smita, who is also a serial entrepreneur, is its host. Presented by Dev Katta, the...Continue reading
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