'Nathicharami' is an upcoming thriller directed by former journalist Nagu Gavara. Fronted by Arvind Krishna, Poonam Kaur and Sandesh Buri, the film's trailer was released recently. In a statement,...Continue reading
‘Rushi’ fame Aravind Krishna as hero and Meenakshi Deekshith and Pooja Ramachandran as heroines, ‘Adavi Kachina Vennela’ is being made under ‘Moonlight Dreams’ banner. Akki Viswanadha Reddy is...Continue reading
“’Mana Kurralle’ was supposed to be released on 5th of December, but due to lack of theaters it got postponed,” said Veera Shankar. “If adequate theaters are available, we have decided to release t...Continue reading
'Shukra', touted to be a new-age thriller, is all set to release in theatres on April 23. The makers have confirmed the date on Monday. Talking about the premise of the Summer release, they said, ...Continue reading
Madhura Sridhar’s ‘It’s My Love Story’ starring Aravind Krishna and Nikhita as lead pair was recently released and successfully entered the 4th week. Directed by Madhura Sridhar, the film was prod...Continue reading
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