'Nathicharami' is an upcoming thriller directed by former journalist Nagu Gavara. Fronted by Arvind Krishna, Poonam Kaur and Sandesh Buri, the film is all set to stream on 20 OTT platforms (includi...Continue reading
'Atharva' is touted to be a one-of-its-kind crime thriller with a novel concept. Starring Karthik Raju in the lead, the film has Simran Choudhary in a meaty role. Arvind Krishna of 'Rishi' fame is...Continue reading
Aravind Krishna of ‘It’s My Love Story’ fame has signed his second film even before the release of his debut film ‘It’s My Love Story’. The film titled ‘Rishi’ is already on the sets and is being ...Continue reading
Madhura Sridhar’s ‘It’s My Love Story’ starring Aravind Krishna and Nikhita as lead pair was recently released and successfully entered the 4th week. Directed by Madhura Sridhar, the film was prod...Continue reading
'Grey' is an upcoming movie starring Arvind Krishna of 'Rishi' fame. Also featuring Ali Reza in a key role, this one is directed by Raj Madiraju. Made as a black-n-white movie, its pre-release even...Continue reading
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