Prestigious production house Usha Kiran Movies, which brought many best films to the Telugu audience, and Anandi Art Creations banner, which brought super hit films like ‘Avunu Valliddaru Istapadda...Continue reading
The other day, Sundeep Kishan tweeted that he will be taking a big step on Monday (August 17). The tone of his tweet made everyone think that he will be announcing his marriage. But the 'Venkatad...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan starrer Tenali Ramakrishna Ba BL is gearing up for a grand release coming November. The makers have not announced the exact date, but it will surely have a November release. Nageshw...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan, Varun Sandesh, Naveen, Rakesh and Melanie Kannokada starer ‘D for Dopidi’ has completed its censor formalities and acquired U/A certificate. The movie which was supposed to release...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan-Regina’s fresh movie ‘Ra Ra Krishnayya’ is being made under SVK Cinema banner with Vamsi Krishna Srinivas as producer. Mahesh Babu P is making his debut as director with this film. J...Continue reading
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