The super stylish stills of Victory Venkatesh from his upcoming film ‘Shadow’ were released yesterday. It’s an action thriller on mafia backdrop being directed by Meher Ramesh. The teaser and som...Continue reading
Sundarangudu is an upcoming movie starring Krishna Sai and Mouryani as the lead pair. Directed by M Vinay Babu, the film is a romantic love entertainer. Jointly produced by B Chandar Goud and MSK R...Continue reading
AVM Movies’ Srikanth and Kum Kum starrer ‘Kshatriya’ completed the shooting and post productions and wating to get the censor certificate. K Uday Chandu is the director. According to him, Raju Tho...Continue reading
Srikanth is one hero who takes even a small role as challenging. He was recently seen in Balakrishna’s ‘Sri Ramarajyam’ as Lakshmana. He is presently doing ‘Shadow’ with Venkatesh and ‘Shirdi Sai...Continue reading
Audio of prominent hero Srikanth starrer ‘Raa Raa’ was released recently during the time of Tollywood Cricket match which was conducted in Anantapur. Hero Srikanth, young heroes Tarun, ...Continue reading
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