Telugu's famous actor Brahmaji had recently tweeted that he wished the Indian government would give away the prestigious award Padma Bhushan to Sonu Sood. He also mentioned that Sonu Sood has helpe...Continue reading
'Vikram Rathode', starring Vijay Antony, is an upcoming thriller written and directed by Babu Yogeswaran. Its teaser was released the other day. Producer S Kowsalya Rani has said that the teaser h...Continue reading
Sonu Sood who is one of the most popular heroes of India right now is all set to appear alongside Megastar Chiranjeevi in his upcoming movie 'Acharya'. "Team #Acharya wishes the versatile actor &a...Continue reading
Bellamkonda Sreenivas and Teja have teamed up for a mass masala entertainer. Beautiful actress Kajal Aggarwal has been paired opposite Sai Sreenivas. The shooting of as of yet untitled film is curr...Continue reading
If there is one actor who is being considered as the real hero during these scary times, it has to be Sonu Sood. He has been winning hearts with his philanthropic activities ever since the lo...Continue reading
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