Allari Naresh, known for entertaining audiences with varied rib-tickling films, this time is coming out with another full-fledged comedy entertainer titled ‘Kevvu Keka’. The title itself tells the...Continue reading
'Aa Okkati Adakku', starring Allari Naresh (he decided to put two other projects on the backburner to prioritize this comedy) in the lead, is scheduled to hit the cinemas on May 3. Starring Faria A...Continue reading
In the glimpse video of 'Bachhala Malli', Allari Naresh is seen throwing a fit. He is against sermons that call upon humans to achieve equanimity. A drunkard to the core, he enjoys dashing into oth...Continue reading
Megasatar Chiranjeevi will be the chief guest for the audio release function of Allari Naresh’s socio-fantasy film ‘Yamudiki Mogudu’. ‘Yamudiki Mogudu’ was Chiranjeevi’s super duper hit film in 19...Continue reading
The first look of 'Selfie Raja', starring Allari Naresh, is here. This hilarious entertainer is set to hit the screens soon and looks like Allari Naresh is going to tickle the audiences' funny bone...Continue reading
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