Theeram is an upcoming movie casting young newcomers as the main leads. Sravan, Anil Inamadugu, Kristan Ravali, Aparna Appu, and others in the lead roles, the movie Theeram is directed by Anil Inam...Continue reading
The trailer of ‘Bichagada Majaka’ is unveiled by sensational director VV Vinayak. SA Rahman as presenter, prominent director KS Nageswara Rao has made a distinct film titled ‘Bich...Continue reading
Shakar as hero, ‘Shambo Shankara’ is being made under RR Pictures banner. Sridhar N and Shankar are being introduced as director and hero respectively through this film. Karunya is play...Continue reading
In 'Swathi Muthyam', Bellamkonda Ganesh's character was trapped by a failed surrogacy deal. In his next film, titled 'Nenu Student Sir!', his character is in a bigger morass: he has been trapped by...Continue reading
As mentioned earlier, the shooting of ‘Badrinath’ is rapidly progressing with just two more songs to shoot and a little bit of patch work. Meanwhile, a press note was released today announcing the...Continue reading
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