Varun Sandesh, who is busy shooting for his upcoming movie which is yet to be titled, reportedly met with an accident while performing for a risky action scene of the film. The young actor injured...Continue reading
The makers of 'D For Dopidi' are upset! They were all set to launch the trailer of their first production, 'D For Dopidi' and now it seems there is a sudden obstacle. "We just don't know where th...Continue reading
The unit of ‘Priyudu’ completed the songs shoot in Bangkok, Pattaya Islands and Cheng Mai held during July 24 th to August 7th. Three songs were shot on the lead actors Varun Sandesh, Preethika Ra...Continue reading
Varun Sandesh, Haasika and Komal Jha starrer ‘Priyatama Neevachata Kusalama’ shooting has been completed. The audio will hit the stand on February 20th. The movie is also expected to release in t...Continue reading
Why do we have to commit a wrong even when we are aware that it is not moral to do so? What compelling circumstances and inevitabilities inform our ethical choices? 'Nindha', a crime thriller with ...Continue reading
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