Vaishnav Tej, brother of Sai Dharam Tej and nephew of Megastar Chiranjeevi, had made an impressive debut with Uppena, directed by Buchi Babu Sana. The young actor has stunned the TFI with his acti...Continue reading
Sunshine Cinemas and Annapurna Studios are together coming out with a different love story film titled ‘Uyyala Jampala’ directed by Virinchi Varma. D Suresh Babu is going to present this crazy pro...Continue reading
Ram Charan's birthday bash was held on Monday at Chiranjeevi's residence in Hyderabad. It was hosted by the father-son duo along with Upasana Konidela. Here is the list of guests who made it to th...Continue reading
There is no denying that Bigg Boss Telugu is one of the most successful shows on Television. After four prosperous seasons in Telugu, the makers of the popular reality and controversial show are ge...Continue reading
Akhil Akkineni starer 'Hello' has been censored today. The film has been given a clean U certificate by the Censor Board. The theatrical trailer and audio album has already created huge interest. ...Continue reading
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