Bollywood's popular producer Karan Johar has approached Nagarjuna to launch the latter's son in Hindi films. Akhil is only two films old. The third film is getting ready. So far Akhil has not had a...Continue reading
Nagarjuna’s ‘Rajanna’ which is being directed by Viyayendra Prasad and produced by Nagarjuna himself under Annapurna Studios banner is a period film set on Telangana Razak movement backdrop. The f...Continue reading
The audio of Nagarjuna’s ‘Damarukam’ will hit the stand on September 10th. The soundtrack is rendered by Devisri Prasad who earlier delivered three films (Manmadhudu, Mass and King) in Nag’s combi...Continue reading
Nagarjuna, Amala and the passengers on-board a British Airways flight narrowly escaped the flight mishap at Shamshabad Airport today. The actor along with the passengers on-board escaped unhurt wh...Continue reading
As mentioned couple of days ago, Nagarjuna-Nayantara starrer ‘Greeku Veerudu’ is set for release on April 19th. The latest we hear is that the audio will launched on April 3rd at Shilpa Kala Vedik...Continue reading
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