Bollywood's popular producer Karan Johar has approached Nagarjuna to launch the latter's son in Hindi films. Akhil is only two films old. The third film is getting ready. So far Akhil has not had a...Continue reading
King Nagarjuna, who made his debut as hero through the film 'Vikram' which was released on May 23 in the year 1986, has completed 30 years as an actor on Monday i.e. on May 23. So far, he has acted...Continue reading
Uttarandhra region has been devastated by the recent Hudhud cyclone. This catastrophe has obliterated lives, homes and huge property in Uttarandhra region. We all know that Telugu film industry wil...Continue reading
The first look, teaser and the title of Nag-Nayan’s movie will be unveiled on January 26th. After dropping the idea of the title ‘Love Story’, speculations had it that the makers...Continue reading
'Bangarraju' has locked its run-time. It's approximately 150 minutes long. The film will be released in theatres on January 15, 2022. The buzz is that the characters played by Nagarjuna and Ramya ...Continue reading
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