Young and talented actor Naga Shaurya in the lead role, the movie Lakshya is India's first movie based on ancient archery. With much hype around, the movie is directed by Dheerendra Santhosh Jagarl...Continue reading
Naga Shaurya is gearing for the release of his upcoming film Aswathama. Promotions of the film is going on. Meanwhile Naga Shaurya met actor Chiranjeevi and sought his blessings for the film. The ...Continue reading
'Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi', directed by Srinivas Avasarala, has been in the making since 2018. Shot in the UK and India prominently, the film stars Naga Shaurya and Malavika Nair in the lead. ...Continue reading
After an interesting teaser, which managed to generate good buzz, Naga Shaurya's 'Ashwathama' team is gearing up to release of theatrical trailer. Puri Jagannadh will launch the trailer on 23rd Jan...Continue reading
Naga Shaurya seems to be grappling with an embarrassing situation in 'Krishna Vrinda Vihari', which is helmed by Anish R Krishna and bankrolled by Ira Creations. Ahead of its theatrical release on ...Continue reading
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