Manchu Manoj’s ‘Mr Nokia’ has successfully completed its shooting part. Directed by debut director Ani and produced by DS Rao under Sri Sailendra Cinemas banner, the film has Krithi Karbanda and S...Continue reading
Manchu Manoj, who always craves to do something different in each of his film, is penning lyrics for a song in his latest flick ‘Mr Nokia’. The film is already on the sets and presently progressin...Continue reading
It is known that Dr. Mohan Babu has courted controversy by attacking a media person outside his residence on Tuesday evening. Following the incident, journalists based out of Hyderabad have launche...Continue reading
While Sunil’s comedy flick ‘Poola Rangadu’ is hitting theaters worldwide on February 18th as Maha Sivaratri gift, there are three more films in the race that are coming to theaters a day before i.e...Continue reading
If you had to pick one Telugu film audio that is dominating Indian and US, you’d have an easy task at hand. Current Theega – Manoj Manchu's film soundtrack from yet-to-be released Telugu film –...Continue reading
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