Manchu Manoj today revealed that he and his wife, Mounika, are expectant parents. He took to social media to pay homage to his late mother-in-law, Bhuma Shoba Nagi Reddy on her birth anniversary. C...Continue reading
Manchu Manoj has, usually speaking, stayed away from getting into making controversial remarks. The MAA election season last year was an occasion when he could have joined his father Mohan Babu and...Continue reading
Manchu Manoj is coming up with 5 projects one after the other. The actor announced the details of all five projects in twitter. Here is the list of his five forthcoming flicks. 1) To be direct...Continue reading
Actor Aadhi is painting the town red with his much-awaited upcoming film titled “Malupu”. With the release of official trailer, unique posters, music and making of songs, the actor already created ...Continue reading
As you are aware the UKUP prints have already been shipped to USA, UK, Dubai, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand. The film is all set to hit theaters worldwide tomorrow. Cool ...Continue reading
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