‘Rey’, the Musical love story of Sai Dharam Tej is all set to arrive theaters in February. Written, director and produced by YVS Chowdary, the film also introduces Bollywood veteran actress Shaban...Continue reading
Director Maruthi and Sai Dharam Tej's film has been titled as Prathi Roju Pandage. Sai Dharam Tej has changed his look and hairstyle for this film. News is that he plays the role of a Casanova in ...Continue reading
Supreme Hero Sai Dharam Tej as the hero, the upcoming political thriller is titled 'Republic'. Zee Studios presents the movie Republic under the banner- JB Entertainments. Helmed by Devakatta, the...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej’s upcoming film titled as ‘Winner’. Marking the birthday of Sai Dharam Tej, the makers have announced the film’s title. The first look was also released on this occasion. The film ‘W...Continue reading
Rangula Naresh Yadav who hails from Suryapet is a para athlete. He has been selected for Indian National Volleyball Team to participate in International tourment. But, He is unable to go there as h...Continue reading
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