'Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama', the acclaimed Japanese anime film, is up for an Indian release on October 18. This is not a fresh movie but was made in 1993. At that time, the Ramayana-based...Continue reading
The 2006 action film 'Vikramarkudu', starring Ravi Teja in the lead, is directed by SS Rajamouli. In a particular scene, Ravi Teja's cop character hangs the villain's son to death by tricking him i...Continue reading
Writer Vijayendra Prasad is a busy man these days. He is writing screenplay for Kangana Ranaut's film. She will be producing this film. Vijayendra Prasad wrote the story of Kangana Ranaut starrer M...Continue reading
Will there be a sequel to 'RRR'? The answer is a resounding yes. Vijayendra Prasad himself has talked about a sequel being planned. Interacting with a Telugu-language TV channel, the writer of 'Ba...Continue reading
'Aham Reboot' is the title of an upcoming Sumanth-starrer directed by Prashanth Sagar Atluri. Currently in the post-production phase, its First Look was today unveiled at the hands of 'RRR' writer ...Continue reading
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