Title for Shivaji’s new film has been finalized as ‘Chusinodiki Chusinantha’. This is an out and out comedy entertainer being directed by the debut director Anil Vatipalli. Nithya and Lezli wi...Continue reading
Shivaji and Aditi Agarwal starrer ‘Em Babu Laddu Kavala’ is releasing on September 21st. The film also features Rachana Mourya in key role. This is a romantic comedy entertainer, directed by Gand...Continue reading
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Actor Shivaji Sontineni has donated Rs.2 lakhs for Telugu film producers council (TFPC) to help the daily wage workers in the Telugu film industry, who have lost work and money due to the cor...Continue reading
Chandrakala Arts Creations’ ‘Dorakadu’ stars Shivaji in title role and Gayatri as leading lady. ‘Dorakadu’ is an action entertainer which is being directed by Vara Prasad and produced by Master...Continue reading
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