'Sarkaru Vaari Paata' recently became the most-watched Tollywood trailer in the first-24-hours category. The massive project, starring Mahesh Babu and directed by Parasuram Petla, has got a new fir...Continue reading
Some sources say that Superstar Mahesh Babu plays a detective in his upcoming film ‘1’ (Nenokkadine) which is said to be an action packed moive. Sukumar, who is known for his feel good romantic fl...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu's starrer 'Bharath Ane Nenu' is creating good buzz. The actor now has six million followers on Twitter. This makes him the most followed star in Tollywood. This is despite giving two fl...Continue reading
The teaser of 'Sreekaram' was on Tuesday out. Mahesh Babu unveiled it for 14 Reels Plus, which is led by Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta. As expected, the film is about the importance of farmers. Sha...Continue reading
Telugu's superstar Mahesh Babu is currently acting in his upcoming movie Sarkaru Vaari Paata. The shooting of Sarkaru Vaari Paata has been paused for a while now and would resume soon after the pan...Continue reading
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