Pitta Kathalu is Telugu's first Netflix anthology movie, with four stories directed by popular Telugu filmmakers. Pitta Kathalu has four stories titled Ramula, Meera, Pinky, and X-Life, each direct...Continue reading
'Anger Tales' is the title of an upcoming web original from Disney Plus Hotstar. "Four intriguing tales. One agenda: rebellion," the makers said, putting out its teaser today. Produced by Sridhar ...Continue reading
Meeku Maathrame Cheptha is making good noise. The film is produced by Vijay Deverakonda. This is his first production. The latest we hear about this film is that Star Maa has bagged the satellite ...Continue reading
The latest trailer of 'Meeku Maathrame Cheptha' is hilarious and it hits all the rights notes. It suggests that this youthful entertainer is going to be a complete fun ride. The film deals with a l...Continue reading
'Anger Tales', starring Suhas, Venkatesh Maha, Tharun Bhascker, Bindhu Madhavi, Madonna Sebastian, Ravindra Vijay, Phani Acharya, and others, will start streaming on Disney+ Hotstar this Thursday (...Continue reading
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