NOTA starring Vijay Deverakonda in the lead has been censored. The Censor Board has given a UA certificate to the film. News is that the film did have some glitch when getting clearance. Some dialo...Continue reading
On Sunday, the core team of 'Liger' was at a mall in Navi Mumbai to promote their movie. Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday led the promotional event. They got on to the stage to deliver speeches....Continue reading
Taxiwaala staring Vijay Devarkonda has got a release date. The film will be coming to theatres on May 18. This film is directed by Rahul Sankrutyan and is produced jointly by GA2 and UV Pictures. ...Continue reading
'Family Star' is set to hit the cinemas on April 5. Dil Raju on Saturday revealed that the film will have a simultaneous release in Telugu and Tamil. The running time of the film is a good 160 minu...Continue reading
Anasuya Bharadwaj has taken out her anger on Vijay Deverakonda on a day when 'Liger' was released to negative feedback from audiences. In a cryptic tweet, the 'Pushpa' artist commented that those w...Continue reading
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