Akkineni's young and talented hero Sumanth is all set to entertain the audience with an interesting story. His upcoming movie "MalliModalaindi" is a story revolving around the life of a couple and...Continue reading
Sumanth and Pinky Savika starer 'Emo Gurram Egaraa Vachchu', directed by Chandra Siddharth has completed its censor formality and obtained 'U/A' certificate. The audio was released grandly In Bang...Continue reading
Actor Sumanth was once married to actress Keerthy Reddy. They then parted ways. But today they maintain good friendship between them says Sumanth. Also her family members treat her well as there is...Continue reading
The teaser of Sumanth’s ‘Idam Jagath’ is unveiled by YSR Congress Party Leader YS Jaganmohan Reddy on August 22 in Hyderabad. On this occasion, YS Jagan wihed ‘Idam Jagath&r...Continue reading
Sharma Chukka of The Mantra Entertainments is currently producing a movie with Sumanth as the hero. Directed by Muralikrishna, the film is presented by Gujju Ramu. The news is that the film is cur...Continue reading
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