Anand Deverakonda's next movie, which is titled 'Highway' wraps up with the shooting formalities. Being Directed by KV Guhan, Highway is touted to be a psychological crime thriller. The thriller a...Continue reading
Cinematographer-turned-director of KV Guhan of '118' fame is making a thriller titled 'WWW' (Who.. Where.. Why..), which stars Adith Arun and Shivani Rajashekar as the lead pair. Currently in the p...Continue reading
'WWW' has started streaming on SonyLiv. The makers today unveiled separate posters for each of the main characters to introduce them to the viewers. Adith Arun is Vishwa, while 'Adbhutham' actress...Continue reading
Starring Adith Arun of 'PSV Garuda Vega' fame and Shivani Rajashekar (the daughter of Rajasekhar-Jeevitha duo), 'WWW' is a thriller directed by KV Guhan. The news is that a melodious song titled 'N...Continue reading
Anand Deverakonda has had two theatrical and two OTT releases thus far. His debut film 'Dorasaani' and his second theatrical release 'Pushpaka Vimanam' tanked at the box office. 'Highway' would ha...Continue reading
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