Anand Deverakonda's next movie, which is titled 'Highway' wraps up with the shooting formalities. Being Directed by KV Guhan, Highway is touted to be a psychological crime thriller. The thriller a...Continue reading
Nandamuri Kalyan Ram has joined forces with Sri Venkateswara Creations' Dil Raju and Shirish. Their movie is a crime drama, which is yet to be titled. Announced today, it will have KV Guhan wieldin...Continue reading
Anand Deverakonda's 'Highway', directed by KV Guhan of '118' fame, will start streaming on AHA on August 19. Its teaser was released today. We see Anand's character fall in love with Manasa Radhak...Continue reading
Adith Arun and Sivani Rajasekhar as the lead pair, the movie WWW- Who Where Why is prepping up for the release. Being it a project lead by popular cinematographer KV Guhan, the movie has caught up ...Continue reading
After '118', director KV Guhan is coming out with 'WWW'. The title stands for 'Who.. Where.. Why'. Starring Adith Arun and Shivani Rajashekar, its First Look was today unveiled by Rana Daggubati. ...Continue reading
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