Nani has announced his second film as a producer. The first was Awe and it released last year. This second one has been titled Hit and will have Vishwak Sen who was seen in the film Ee Nagarinki Em...Continue reading
Natural Star Nani's 30th movie is currently being shot. It has completed schedules in Goa and Mumbai already. What about the actor's 31st movie? The buzz is that it is going to be directed by Vive...Continue reading
Nani starrer Gentleman has locked 17th June as its release date. The film’s audio was launched yesterday. Slowly the promotions of the film is likely to kick start. Now when preparations are underw...Continue reading
'Edo Edo' is the title of a song from 'Shyam Singha Roy', the Nani-starrer. The news is that the melody, composed by Mickey J Meyer, will be released on November 25. Shot on Nani and Krithi Shetty,...Continue reading
Natural star Nani seems to be super excited to promote his upcoming movies. He is all set to appear on the screen in the movies Tuck Jagadish and Shyam Singha Roy. With exciting updates ahead, Nani...Continue reading
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