Actor Suriya has been vocal against the NEET selection process. As per him, the new NEET rules are not in the best interests of the poor Tamil Nadu students. The 'Bandobast' actor has been vocifero...Continue reading
Mega hero Allu Sirish enthralled Telugu audience had made his Kollywood debut with Gouravam. He had shared screen space with Mohanlal in his maiden Mollywood film, 1971. Now, Allu Sirish is ecstati...Continue reading
Buzz in the Kollywood industry says that the audio launch of Surya’s upcoming movie ‘Maattrraan’ (Duplicate in Telugu) is going to be a grand event on August 9th in Singapore. Looks like filmmaker...Continue reading
Singham 3 staring Suriya was gearing up for a grand release this Christmas, but now the film has been postponed. Reason for the postponement is said to be the current situation in the country due t...Continue reading
Tollywood popular production and distribution house UV Creations is releasing Suriya’s upcoming flick ‘Thaanaa Serndha Koottam’ in Telugu as Gang for Sankranthi, despite heavy com...Continue reading
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