'Bichagadu 2', described as a concept-based action thriller, is slated to be released in theatres on May 19. The Telugu version is presented by the distribution house Usha Pictures, which is debuti...Continue reading
The first look of 'Doshi', helmed by CS Amudhan, makes it clear that the male protagonist is a saviour. He is like a God who saves a land that has plunged into darkness. A crime drama, the film dea...Continue reading
'Vijaya Raghavan', starring Vijay Antony in the lead, is a political action drama. Starring Aathmika as the heroine, this Ananda Krishna-helmed movie has got an exciting teaser. Presented by Infin...Continue reading
Vijay Antony and Aksha Pardasany starrer action thriller ‘Dr. Salim’ has completed the censor formality and is all set for release on March 13. The audio composed by hero Vijay Antony himself was r...Continue reading
Vijay Antony has made his own mark in Telugu by choosing different and unique subject for each and every film. His latest film ‘Indrasena’ has completed censor formalities and it is all...Continue reading
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