'Balagam' hits the cinemas on March 3. In three weeks, it arrived on OTT in three languages (read Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam). Amazon Prime Video started streaming the box-office hit on Thursday...Continue reading
'Mangalavaaram' was released in theatres five days ago. On Tuesday, at a grand event attended by Vishwak Sen as the chief guest, the team did something nobody would have expected them to. A twist t...Continue reading
Director Mohanakrishna Indraganti's 'Sarangapani Jathakam' is fast finishing its post-production works. Re-recording is what is being done. The film's killer comedy teaser will be out on November ...Continue reading
'Kali' will hit the cinemas on October 4. Its pre-release event was held in the presence of Varun Tej, Allari Naresh and others on Wednesday. Presenter K Raghavendra Reddy described suicides as a ...Continue reading
Last year, Haarika Suryadevara made her debut as a producer. She comes from the family of S Naga Vamsi and S Radhakrishna of Haarika & Hassine Creations. 'MAD', her maiden production venture, b...Continue reading
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