Natural star Nani appears in Satya Dev's Daare Leda music video. The movie Daare Leda features Satya Dev and Roopa Koduvayur. The movie revolves around the lives of a couple, who happen to be...Continue reading
Natural star Nani who got vaccinated to fight the COVID, took to his social media to share the details regarding vaccinations. Sharing his picture in which he is seen getting the vaccine shot, the ...Continue reading
Nani today promoted his upcoming movie 'Hi Nanna' while releasing its song, 'Ammadi'. When a youngster asked him how he has managed to raise the bar and enjoy stardom by doing "offbeat films", the ...Continue reading
Natural Star Nani and Nazriya's most awaited comedy film Ante Sundaraniki, is all set for a release on June 10. It's USA Premieres on June 9. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas...Continue reading
The colours & the colourful mystery of the naked Eye. This season, Star Maa raises the curtain to unveil the unseen spectra of the human eye. The naked eye effortlessly sets its vision beyond a...Continue reading
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