The teaser of 'Godfather' is out. The film, directed by Mohan Raja, is a remake of 'Lucifer' (Malayalam). Heading to theatres for Dasara this year, the film's teaser hinges heavily on Megastar Chir...Continue reading
The other day, Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos was hosted by Megastar Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan. On Friday, it was the turn of Jr NTR to play the perfect host. On Saturday, Mahesh Babu played the host, ...Continue reading
Ram Charan is the producer of Chiranjeevi starrer 'Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy'. The film is being made on a massive budget of Rs 200 Cr. There have been rumours that the film is being delayed because ...Continue reading
Actor Naga Shaurya has fallen in love. The lady in question is also an actress and belongs to a family which is closely associated with film industry. The love birds have been dating for over two y...Continue reading
Chiranjeevi's son-in-law wi all set to make an entry into Telugu cinema as a hero. Megastar's daughter Sreeja married Kalyan last year. Kalyan will be directed by Rakesh Shashi. This director has e...Continue reading
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