'Jailer' has grossed Rs 400 Cr at the box office. 'Bholaa Shankar', which was released a day before Rajinikanth's movie, is a super flop. The contrasting performance between the Tamil movie and the...Continue reading
Rajinikanth starrer Darbar has completed its shooting. It is a wrap for the film. The production house Lyca Productions tweeted, "Aanndd it's a wrap for our #Thalaivar in #DARBAR get ready for #Dar...Continue reading
‘Kochadaiiyaan’ (Vikrama Simha in Telugu) release is confirmed for December 12th, 2013, i.e., on the day of superstar’s birthday. The recently released trailer has kicked off the new wave of marke...Continue reading
'Lal Salaam', produced by Lyca Productions, will feature Superstar Rajinikanth in an extended cameo. He will be seen as a Mumbai-based don named Moideen Bhai. The film, directed by Aishwarya Rajini...Continue reading
The censoring of the Tamil version of Rajinikanth starrer Kabali was completed recently. The film was given a U certificate with no cuts. The Telugu version of this film is also censored. The film ...Continue reading
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