Tamil super hit film ‘Metro’ is being dubbed in Telugu. R4 Entertainments head Ragini Talluri is bringing the film to Telugu audience. Suresh Kondeti, who brought super hit films like &...Continue reading
Nandu, Noel and Punarnavi as the lead cast, ‘Enduko Emo’ is being made under Maheswara Creations banner. Koti Vaddineni is the director. Malathi Vaddineni is producing the film. Recentl...Continue reading
Nandu as a hero Sowmya Venugopal as a heroin and Pooja Rama Chandran as a main lead ‘Inthalo Enneni Vinthalo’ was released on 6th April. This film which was released without any expecta...Continue reading
Thrillers are of various kinds: crime, mystery, dark and so on, so forth. How about a robbery thriller. That's what '1134' is. Written, edited and helmed by Ssharadh Chandra Tadimeti, the upcoming ...Continue reading
We usually see glut of blood, gore and sexual innuendo in Ram Gopal Varma’s films. That’s why they have always got ‘A’ or ‘U/A’ certificates. To everyone’s surprise, for the first time, RGV’s fi...Continue reading
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