Fantasy thriller ‘Rakshaka Bhatudu’ has completed censor formality and is all set to release on April 7. Richa Panai, Baahubali Prabhakar, Prudhvi, Sapthagiri and Brahmaji as the lead c...Continue reading
The makers of ‘Rakshaka Bhatudu’ starring Richa Panai, Baahubali Prabhakar, Prudhvi, Sapthagiri and Brahmaji as the lead cast, are planning to bring the film to audience by the end of F...Continue reading
'Kerosene' is the title of an upcoming crime thriller whose tagline is 'A Burnt Truth'. A cop actioner, the film, starring Dhruva, Preeti Singh and others, has the story, screenplay and dialogues b...Continue reading
It is time to watch Vennela Kishore in a lead role. A spy film titled 'Chaari 111' is currently in the making. The film features the talented comedian in the role of a self-styled yet dumb spy. Di...Continue reading
Under the banner UV Concepts, which is known to be the co-banner for UV Creations is bankrolling a movie titled "Ek Mini Katha'. Karthik Rapolu is all set to debut as the director for Ek Mini Katha...Continue reading
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