Stylish star Allu Arjun's much-awaited film Pushpa has resumed shooting. They will have a 30-day-long schedule in Hyderabad with safety measures in place. Now, the latest we hear is director Sukum...Continue reading
On its third day (December 7th) of release, 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' achieved a historic feat at the Indian box office by crossing the Rs 70 crore mark in the Hindi language version. This makes it the ...Continue reading
The Telangana government has decided not to permit benefit shows and paid premieres for big-ticket movies any longer. The decision has been influenced by the recent death of a woman on the premises...Continue reading
The word in the town is that Allu Arjun has trimmed his beard somewhat. So, what is the big deal, you ask? This is not just any other 'gaddam' matter but one with pan-Indian implications. The shoo...Continue reading
Stylish Star Allu Arjun, Rakul Preet Singh and Catherine Tresa starrer Sarrainodu released yesterday is off to flying start. Allu Arjun with good fan base in families, kids and other sections gaine...Continue reading
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