The pre-look of 47 Days (The Mystery Unfolds), produced under Title Card Entertainment, was unveiled on the occasion of Dusshera. Pradeep Maddali has directed the suspense thriller and it stars Sat...Continue reading
'Godse' is the title of an upcoming movie starring Satyadev Kancharana. To be directed by Gopi Ganesh Pattabhi of 'Bluff Master' fame, this one will be produced by C Kalyan of CK Screens. "My firs...Continue reading
It was ten years ago that 'Mr. Perfect' released in theatres. Satyadev Kancharana played a friend to Prabhas in the film. Taking to Twitter, the happening 'Uma Maheshwara Ugra Roopasya' actor said ...Continue reading
'Skylab', which is set to head to the theatres on December 4, is headlined by Nithya Menen, Satyadev Kancharana and Rahul Ramakrishna. The village-based comedy is set in the late 1970s. Its trailer...Continue reading
Satyadev Kancharana's 26th film is a crime drama directed by Eashvar Karthic. 'Pushpa' fame actor Daali Dhananjaya has a lead role in the movie. Days after roping in Kollywood actress Priya Bhavan...Continue reading
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