Anand Deverakonda's next movie, which is titled 'Highway' wraps up with the shooting formalities. Being Directed by KV Guhan, Highway is touted to be a psychological crime thriller. The thriller a...Continue reading
'Highway', touted to be a psychological road crime movie, is helmed by KV Guhan. On Wednesday, the Anand Deverakonda-starrer went on the floors. Producer Venkat Talari said that the film's caption...Continue reading
Anand Deverakonda is doing 'Baby' and 'Highway' these days. The latter is a psychological crime thriller directed by KV Guhan of '118' fame. On Tuesday, marking the lead man's birthday, a poster w...Continue reading
Starring Adith Arun of 'PSV Garuda Vega' fame and Shivani Rajashekar (the daughter of Rajasekhar-Jeevitha duo), 'WWW' is a thriller directed by KV Guhan. The news is that a melodious song titled 'N...Continue reading
Adith Arun and Sivani Rajasekhar as the lead pair, the movie WWW- Who Where Why is prepping up for the release. Being it a project lead by popular cinematographer KV Guhan, the movie has caught up ...Continue reading
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