Actor Naresh and Ali in the lead roles, the movie Andaru Bagundali Andulo Nenundaali movie is the Telugu remake of Malayalam's hit movie "Vikruthi". The movie revolves around the sequences which po...Continue reading
‘Life is Beautiful’ fame Sudhakar Komakula as hero, ‘Vundile Manchi Kalam Mundu Munduna’ is being made by Arun Dasyam under the banner Aam Aadmi Pictures with Ravirash Dasyam as producer. Recen...Continue reading
In a 42+ year career of senior Naresh, he has played variety of characters ranging from a vagabond to a woman. We saw him mostly donning comedy characters and who can forget his fantabulous cha...Continue reading
The 27th prestigious Bharata Muni Film Awards would be presented on December 4th. Naresh has been selected for the prestigious Bharata Muni Film Awards as a Best Artist for his performance in ‘Ragh...Continue reading
Actor V K Naresh is the new president of the Movie Artistes' Assciation (MAA). This is an association for the Telugu artistes. The election process was condusted on Sunday. The polling happe...Continue reading
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