'Rakshasudu', the psychological thriller, was released in 2019. Directed by Ramesh Varma, it was produced by educationalist Koneru Satyanarayana of KL University. The director-producer duo later co...Continue reading
Ramesh Varma is a director who gave many films of which 'Oka Oorilo', 'Veera' and 'Abbayitho Ammayi' were flops and Nani starrer 'Ride' was a hit. Presently he is making a film with Bellamkonda Sai...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Khiladi' was held in Hyderabad on Wednesday evening at a star hotel. Ravi Teja made his presence felt by going all out to promote the event. This came amid speculations th...Continue reading
Ravi Teja will be doing an action entertainer titled 'Khiladi' with director Ramesh Varma. The film's First Look was unveiled on Sunday. With 'Play Smart' as the caption, the poster comes with a sp...Continue reading
'Rakshasudu 2', which was announced a few weeks ago, has now become a big-scale project. It will be made as a pan-India film. Producer Koneru Satyanarayana today said that Rs 100 Cr has been earmar...Continue reading
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