Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday described Pawan Kalyan as a storm, not just a breeze. "Yeh Pawan nahi, aandhi hain," the BJP supremo said. The 'OG' actor's fans are describing it as the grea...Continue reading
The hit pair Pawan Kalyan and Ileana, who made the youth go crazy with their sizzling performances in ‘Jalsa’, is likely to appear on-screen once again. Yes! The Film Nagar sources say that this p...Continue reading
Way back in the early 2000s, it was widely rumoured (backed by Telugu media reports at that time) that Pawan Kalyan had insulted director SJ Suryah on the sets of 'Kushi' (2001). Back in the day, i...Continue reading
It's straight from the horse's mouth. With a major Telugu daily floating the rumour that 'Bheemla Nayak' will not be released in theatres, producer S Naga Vamsi of Sithara Entertainments has today ...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan’s ongoing flick which is being directed by Vishnuvardhan is now on promotion mode. Wantedly or unknowingly a speculation on the title is fetching certain mileage to the film. Well! T...Continue reading
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