Top director S S Rajamouli will be designing Amaravathi city and this has been announced earlier. Two more directors will be joining this cause and they are Boyapati Srinivas and Krish. CM Nara ...Continue reading
'Alaa Ninnu Cheri' is helmed by newcomer Maresh Shivan, who is also penning the film's story, screenplay and dialogues. Dinesh Tej of 'Hushaaru' fame is fronting it. Hebah Patel of 'Kumari 21F' is ...Continue reading
Bollywood actor Sonu Sood, who won millions of hearts with his philanthropy during the course of the Coronavirus pandemic, is continuing to help lakhs of people during the testing times. Mea...Continue reading
The other day, a breakup anthem titled 'Ori Vaari' from 'Dasara' was out. Here is another breakup anthem in less than a week. The heartbreak anthem is from an upcoming movie titled 'O Saathiya', w...Continue reading
'Konda Polam', starring Vaishnav Tej and Rakul Preet Singh, will be released in theatres on October 8. The film's pre-release event was held on Tuesday evening in Hyderabad. Speaking on the occasi...Continue reading
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